...athletes break new ground, fueling sports revolution at...

At a dance studio in Beijing, B-Girl Wang Yufan moved effortlessly to a pulsating beat, her fluid movements and sharp spins captivating onlookers. Beneath the brim of her l...

In the endless golden yellow of Kurustai grassland, sheep are fat and cattle are strong; in the Grape Valley at the foot of the Huoyan Mountain, crystal “pearls” and purp...

“It beats me”这个短语是什么意思?难道是“它打我”?其实,虽然beat有“打”的意思,但是这句话和打没有任何关系。它的意思是“难倒我了,想不明白,我不理解”,和之前讲过的“you got me”有异曲同工之妙!例句:It beats me how she found her lost ring.我难...

英语中很多说法都不能望文生义。 比如标题中的“Beats me”,字面意思是“打我”,但是你千万别给他一拳,这句话可不能按字面去理解。 很简单,如果老外的意思真的是“打我”,他会说beat me...

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